AI-ReHab 2024

We are thrilled to announce the participation of our REU students in the FIU Summer Research Symposium.  On Friday, July 26th, all the AI-ReHab 2024 REU students presented the innovative and thorough work that they have undergone during the summer. We would like to congratulate and celebrate their achievement in the betterment and improvement of science in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare. We congratulate the following students for working with their respective AI-ReHab program mentors.

  • Sumaya Salem worked on developing Bio Scaffolds Through Machine Learning in a Microfluidic Device under Dr. Pozdin.
  • Alfonso Oramas Jr, for his work under Dr. Li, titled Parallel Algorithms for Continuous Data Acquisition.
  • Ahmad Shah, for his work in Autonomous UAV Systems for Disaster Relief Operations under Dr. Rahman.
  • Tan Vo for developing TransFMSD: Multibranch Fusion of Transformer and Dilated Convolution for Blood Pressure Estimation under the supervision of Dr. Pala and Dr. Rahman.
  • Roberto Ruiz Felix developed PCB Defect Detection – Validation through Simulation under the supervision of Dr. Pala and Dr. Rahman.
  • Claudia Pino worked under Dr. Pulugurtha on the Comparative Analysis of Subtractive, Semi-additive, and Fully-Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Wireless Sensors.
  • Githika Annapureddy developed AI Driven Portable Spectrometer for Biological Sensing under the supervision of Dr. Pozdin.
  • Alexandra Anthony developed Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring With Small Footprint Pressure Sensors under the supervision of Dr. Pala.

We want to congratulate our REU students for their accomplishments and innovations in computer science and healthcare during their time in AI-ReHab!